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POLISARIO Political Organization head calls on UN to shoulder its responsibilities in ending the colonization of Western Sahara

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Dakhla, April 12,  2017 (SPS) - The head of the Political Organization of Frente POLISARIO , member of the National Secretariat, Hamma Salama, called on Wednesday the United Nations to assume its responsibilities in ending the colonization of Western Sahara.
Speaking at the opening ceremony of International Youth and Students Conference in Solidarity with Saharawi People, he has  appealed on the international community to enable the Saharawi people to exercise their right of self-determination through the referendum, for which a UN mission was established, reiterating its call on the United Nations to assume its historical responsibility through the decolonization of Western Sahara.
Morocco's obstinacy still put obstacle towards the holding of the referendum of self-determination, the official said.
Besides, Hamma  Salama has asked the international community to intervene with the Moroccan authorities in order to release all Sahrawi political prisoners, in particular the Gdeim  Izik group, as well as to reveal all Sahrawi missing and stop the plundering of the Sahrawi  natural resources. SPS