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German NGO asks its government not to give in to Moroccan blackmail

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Berlin (Germany), Jan 19, 2022 (SPS) - The German NGO "Freedom for Western Sahara" Wednesday asked the new German government not to give in to the blackmail of the Moroccan occupation state to the detriment of international legality in the conflict of the Western Sahara, an issue that is registered as a case of decolonization.
In a statement made public yeserday, the German NGO "condemned the displays of bias discovered in a document issued by Berlin regarding relations between the two countries and that supports Moroccan expansionist claims embodied in the so-called" autonomy plan ", in clear violation of the resolutions of the United Nations that call for the conclusion of the process of decolonization of the last colony of the African continent, Western Sahara”.
The statement highlighted “the policy of impunity enjoyed by the Moroccan occupation and the absence of international sanctions for its illegal occupation of Western Sahara, which deepen the suffering of the indigenous inhabitants of the territory, who survive in extreme conditions in refugee camps. , while the Moroccan regime expands its policy of settler settlement and the indiscriminate plundering of the natural resources of the Saharawi people, with the complicity of international companies and the European Union itself, Morocco's main trading partner”. SPS