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Holidays in Peace: Reception of Sahrawi children in various Italian regions

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Riano (Rome), 31 July 2022 (SPS) - The Italian authorities in various regions continue to receive Sahrawi minors continue as part of “Holidays in Peace” program.
After two years of suspension, due to the pandemic, the program "Holidays in Peace" is back, thanks to which this year a hundred Sahrawi children can enjoy their summer vacations, hosted by Italian families.
In the capital of Tuscany, Florence, they were welcomed by major political figures, including Mr. Vito Maeda,Mayor of Rovina and President of the Union of Municipalities of the Southeast Region of Florence.
In Naples the Sahrawi emissaries of peace were received by the president of the municipal council (City Council) of Naples, Enza Amato and the mayor of Naples Gaetano Manfredi.
In the Italian capital, they were received by the Mayor of the city of Riano, Luca Giovanni Attilio Abbruzzettila, who seized the opportunity of their stay in that city to reiterate the support for the just cause of the Sahrawi people.