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Extremadura Assembly (Spain) adopts an institutional declaration supporting for Western Sahara

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Mérida (Spain), Dec 13, 2017 (SPS) - The Assembly of Extremadura (Spain), has adopted, unanimously, an institutional declaration of support to the people of  Western Sahara, signed by all the parliamentary groups present in the autonomous chamber.
Extremadura legislators demand the Kingdom of Morocco the immediate release of Saharawi political prisoners, and the cease of violations of human rights in the prisons it controls," went on saying the statement, condemning the continued plundering of the natural resources of Western Sahara.
It considers it necessary and urgent for MINURSO to have in its functions the capacity to supervise and document the violations committed by Morocco against the Sahrawis in the OOTT.
With regard to the resolution of the conflict, the representatives of Extremadura, urge the United Nations to seek a definitive solution and to go through the free exercise of the right of the Saharawi people to self-determination. SPS