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EU-AU Summit: Participation of the Saharawi State, "an important step" for the completion of sovereignty over the occupied territories

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Chahid El Hafed, Feb 18, 2022 (SPS) -  The adviser to the Saharawi president, Mrs. Nana Labaat Rachid estimated that the participation of the Saharawi state in the work of the 6 summit of AU-EU Heads of State and Government which began on Thursday in Brussels (Belgium ) constituted "an important par on the way to achieving national sovereignty over all the occupied territories", affirming that "the Moroccan diplomacy has further consecrated the Sahrawi Republic as an undeniable reality".
In a post on her facebook account, she underlined that the Moroccan occupation which recently joined the AU "has long made its people believe that the contradictory step of joining was aimed at bringing the Saharawi state out of the AU, nevertheless the Moroccan diplomacy has further consecrated the Saharawi state as an undeniable truth".SPS