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Morocco's failure to abide by international legality, threat to regional peace

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Sidney (Australia), 22 June 2020 (SPS) - Polisario Front representative in Australia and New Zealand, Kamal Fadel, said Morocco's refusal  to respect the international legality and UN silence are a "danger to peace and security in the region," and which, according to him, may lead to a war, and "Morocco and its allies will be the only side to blame."
The Saharawi diplomat, in a virtual conference held Saturday by the group of solidarity with Saharawi people in Australia, denounced "the existence of an occupying power in Western Sahara, which refuses to uphold the resolutions of the international legality."
Kamal Fadel said the silence of the international community is "one of the reasons that led the Moroccan regime to ignore the settlement plan sponsored by the Organization of African Unity and the United Nations."
Asked about the consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic on the Saharawi people, Polisario's representative in Australia and New Zealand said the Moroccan regime "takes advantage of the pandemic to further suppress (the local population) in the occupied Saharawi territories and violate the human rights of Saharawi civilians, such as the repression of a peaceful demonstration in El-Aaiun on  June17." (SPS)