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"National & International situation requires everyone to strictly comply with all the measures of NMPC", President Brahim Gali

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Chahid El Hafed, March 31, 2020 (SPS) - The President of the Republic, Secretary General of the Frente POLISARIO, Brahim Gali, has warned that the situation at the national and international level, due to the rapid spread of Covid 19, requires strict compliance with the measures approved by the National Mechanism for the Prevention of Coronavirus.
During the meeting held with members of the government, governors and officials, Brahim Gali stressed that the Saharawi people, who suffer the injustice of the Moroccan occupation and the difficult conditions, face this pandemic today with a high degree of awareness and responsibility.
In this context, Gali has conveyed a message of solidarity with the population in the occupied areas,  blaming the Moroccan occupation regime for the situation in which Saharawi political prisoners are, calling UN and the international community intervene to release them.
For his part, the Prime Minister, Bucharaya Hamudi Beyun, has presentet the action plan implemented so far at the national level, highlighting the level of collaboration of authorities and citizens in complying with the required measures.
The meeting also discussed the need to intensify efforts, ensure strict compliance with the approved measures, and respect the quarantine centers established in refugee camps and at border points with neighboring countries.SPS