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Frente POLISARIO New representative to Navarra was received by local authorities

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Pamplona (Navarra), Oct 08, 2019 (SPS) - The new representative of the Frente POLISARIO to the Community of Navarra, Lehbib Braika, has begun his work by meeting with local authorities and thanking the constant commitment of all Navarre institutions with the Saharawi people.
Braika has been received in the Navarre parliament by the president of the legislature, Unai Hualde, with whom he addressed the current relations and the situation of the Saharawi people, both in the occupied areas and in the refugee camps.
Accompanied by the his deputy for the region, Mohamed Abdalahi, and the coordinator of the Peace and Freedom Intergroup for the Saharawi People, Carlos Mena, the Saharawi leader has thanked the reception and has indicated that it is “a protocol act to introduce myself and thank the support for Saharawi people. "
For his part, the president of the legislature has highlighted solidarity with the Saharawi people and has taken the opportunity to revive the "fulfillment of the resolutions of the United Nations."
Another issue addressed has been the recent creation of the Peace and Freedom Intergroup for the Saharawi People, on September 25. It is composed of Carlos Mena (PSN), as coordinator, Isabel Aramburu (Geroa Bai), as vice-coordinator, Javier García (Navarra Suma), Patricia Perales (EH Bildu), Mikel Buil (Podemos) and Marisa de Simón (Izquierda-Ezkerra) .SPS