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UN Security Council’s recent decision concerning MINURSO “positive but insufficient”

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Algiers, May 8, 2016 (SPS) - The ambassador of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR) to Algiers Bechraya Hamoudi Bayoune affirmed Saturday that the recent decision of the Security Council obliging the Moroccan occupier to accept the return of the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara (MINURSO), to continue its mandate, is “positive but insufficient.”
In his speech in the solidarity day organized by the party Tajamou Amel El Djazair "TAJ" in Algiers on the occasion of the commemoration of the 71st anniversary of the massacres of 8 May 1945, Hamoudi Bayoune said that the Sahrawi people consider “positive but insufficient” the recent decision adopted by the Security Council obliging the Moroccan occupier to accept the return of MINURSO and giving Morocco 90 days to implement it.”
The Sahrawi official said that it is the first time that a decision is reached by a consensus and the right of veto hasn’t been used.
He underlined that MINURSO’s expulsion by Morocco “was a way to shirk the international law,” adding that after 40 years of Moroccan occupation of the Sahrawi territories, an international awareness about the need to find a solution to the Sahrawi cause has grown.
“The situation cannot continue,” he insisted, adding that the Security Council’s future decisions “will be more credible.”
“Achieving security and stability in the African and Arab region is still dependent on a fair solution to the Sahrawi cause,” he added before urging the Security Council to speed up the organization of a self-determination referendum.
Bayoune affirmed that the Sahrawi people “will be, in the next 90 days, mobilized at the popular, diplomatic and military fronts to face in the future any eventuality.”
The Sahrawi official hailed Algeria’s positive role during the forty years of Western Sahara’s occupation, and which has remained faithful to its unchanging positions and principles, he pointed out. (SPS)