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SPLA carries out new attacks against forces of Moroccan occupier in Mahbes

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Birlahlou, 9 April 2022 (SPS) - Units of the Sahrawi People's Liberation Army (SPLA) carried out Friday their attacks against the positions and entrenchments of the Moroccan occupation forces in the sector of Mahbes, indicated the military communiqué n.501 issued by the Ministry of National Defense.
According to the communiqué, "SPLA units targeted the Moroccan occupying forces with intense shelling in the area of Aoudi Edhamrane, in the sector of Mahbes and the area of Laaked, in the same sector.
On Thursday, advanced detachments of SPLA "bombarded the positions of Moroccan forces in the sectors of Mahbes and Oum Edrika.
The occupation forces "are suffering heavy human and material losses along the wall of shame," the text concludes.