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FiSahara film festival closes its works

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Madrid, 30 May , 2017 (SPS). The International festival film of Western Sahara  FiSahara concluded its  activities Monday in the Spanish capital Madrid with the presence of the Saharawi ambassador in Algeria and a representation of the Ministry of Culture and Spanish solidarity movements  with the Saharawi people.
The event was highlighted by the screening of the film / documentary "Children of the Clouds", which tells the story of the struggle of the Saharawi people and its different stages. "Children of the Clouds" has been presented in more than 30 capitals and won multiple awards in Paris, Berlin, etc.
At the same ceremony, the public had the opportunity to see the documentary "The Athlete", starring the Saharawi athlete of long distance marathons, Salah Amaidan.
This edition of FiSahara addressed the issues that reflect the perseverance of the Saharawi people and their irreversible desire to achieve their freedom.
The last editions of this event had a great participation of Saharawi filmmakers, who contributed to all branches of audiovisual production, highlighting the characteristics of the Saharawi culture and its political, cultural and social dimensions thanks to the role and contribution of Abidin Gaed Saleh Saharawi Film School. SPS