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National flag flown on several Australian city halls in commemoration of 44th anniversary of Sahrawi Republic

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Sydney (Australia) 29 February 2020 (SPS) - Australian municipalities has raised the Sahrawi national flag at their official headquarters, in commemoration of the 44th anniversary of the proclamation of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic, in solidarity with the Sahrawi cause.
At the official headquarters of the municipality of Leichhardt in Sydney, the Sahrawi national flag was raised in the presence of member of the regional parliament, Mr. Jimmy Parker, and representative of the Polisario Front in Australia, Mr. Mohamed Fadel Kamal, as well as members of the Australian Western Sahara Association, led by its secretary, Ms. Lesley Osborne.
In the province of Victoria, the Sahrawi national flag was raised in conjunction with the 44th anniversary of the Sahrawi Republic as an expression of solidarity with the Sahrawi people in several municipalities and official headquarters of trade unions in Melbourne, Geelong and Ballarat.
In a statement to the Sahrawi news agency (SPS), the representative of the Polisario Front in Australia confirmed that raising the Sahrawi national flag "has become a practice that many Australian municipalities have been holding for many years to express their support to the Sahrawi cause". (SPS)