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President of the Ecuadorian National Assembly affirms his support for strengthening friendly relations with the Saharawi people

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Quito (Ecuador), November 22, 2022 (SPS) - The President of the Ecuadorian National Assembly (Parliament), Javier Virgilio Saquicela Espinoza affirmed his support for strengthening friendly relations with the Saharawi people, during his reception of the Sahrawi ambassador in Ecuador, Mr. Ahmeiduha Ahmed Mohamed, at the headquarters of the Ecuadorian Parliament.
Mr. Javier Virgilio Saquicela Espinoza expressed the respect of the Ecuadorian institutions, especially the legislative, for one of the pillars of the Ecuadorian foreign policy, which is the non-recognition of the occupation of peoples' lands by force, referring to the illegal Moroccan occupation of parts of the territory of the Sahrawi Republic.
In the same context, the two sides exchanged views on the existing friendship and cooperation relations between the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic and the Republic of Ecuador for four decades.
The Sahrawi diplomat briefed his guest on the history of the struggle of the Sahrawi people, the current situation of the Sahrawi Republic, and the broad support for its inalienable right to independence and the completion of its national sovereignty it enjoys in Latin American countries.
The Saharawi ambassador hopes that Ecuador will achieve success during its membership in the UN Security Council, which will begin in January 2023, highlighting its significant contribution to the deliberations of the Fourth Committee of the General Assembly on decolonization.
The meeting was attended by the coordinator of the Ecuadorian Friendship Association with the Sahrawi People and human rights defender Mr. Pablo de La Vega.