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Western Sahara: US researcher foresees Biden’s retraction on proclamation of Trump

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Washington, Jan, 06 2021 (SPS)-  American researcher and analyst Doug Bandow, also former special assistant to president Ronald Reagan, dubbed “real aggression” the proclamation of Trump about the recognition of Morocco’s alleged sovereignty over Western Sahara, foreseeing the return of Biden Direction to Washington’s initial position.
Trump’s proclamation doesn’t change the nature of the Sahrawi cause according to the international law, wrote the researcher in an article published by the American media.
No one in the world recognizes Morocco’s sovereignty over Western Sahara, while this country, a fully-fledged member of the African Union (AU), has gained the recognition of several countries, he affirmed.
The world will remember this position which comes rather from the Direction of Trump than from a change in the American policy, and which constitutes, instinctively, a source of doubt, he added.
According to Bandow, no one sees in Pompeo or Trump representatives of an international leadership based on principles and the future Direction of Biden could easily return to the initial position of Washington.SPS