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Minister of Foreign Affairs participates in the 42nd Ordinary Session of the Executive Council of AU

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Addis Ababa (Ethiopia), 15 February 2023 (SPS) - The Executive Council of the African Union held its 42nd Ordinary Session today, Wednesday, at the African Union Headquarters in Addis Ababa, in preparation for the 36th Ordinary Session of the Summit of Heads of State and Government of the African Union scheduled for the 18th and 19th. February 2023.
The Sahrawi Republic participates in the work of this session with an important delegation led by Mr. Mohamed Sidati, member of the National Secretariat of the Polisario Front, Minister of Foreign Affairs, in his first mission after his appointment as the head of the Sahrawi diplomacy.
Ambassador Laman Abaali, Permanent Representative of the Sahrawi Republic to the African Union, stated that the Minister of Foreign Affairs will hold a number of bilateral meetings with his African counterparts and officials of the African Union Commission on the sidelines of his participation in the current session of the Executive Council, and they will discuss ways to strengthen bilateral relations, and exchange views on all issues of common interest.
Meanwhile, a statement issued by the African Union Commission indicated that the Executive Council of the African Union will discuss, in its 42nd regular session, a number of important items and issues that constitute a priority on the African scene, most notably the acceleration of activating the implementation of the African Continental Free Trade Area Agreement and issues related to food and economic development, as well as continental integration and the humanitarian situation in the African continent, in addition to the report on the annual activities of the African Union and its organs. It will also study, added the statement, the reports of the ministerial committees of the Executive Council.
The Sahrawi delegation participating in the work of this session includes, in addition to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Mohamed Yaslam Besit, in charge of the African file, Ambassador to the Republic of South Africa, Mr. Laman Abaali, Sahrawi Ambassador to the Republic of Ethiopia and Permanent Representative to the African Union, Mr. Amman Mouloud, the first secretary of the Sahrawi Embassy in Addis Ababa, Mr. Waddadi Salek, Media and Cultural attache to the Sahrawi Mission to the African Union.
It’s worth mentioning that the 36th Ordinary Session of the Summit of Heads of State and Government of the African Union, which is expected, next week, will be held under the slogan "Accelerating the process of activating the African Continental Free Trade Agreement".
SPS 110/T