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The 16th Congress of the Polisario Front forms its committees to carry out their work

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Dakhla (Refugee Camps), January 17, 2022 (SPS) - The Presidency of the Sixteenth Congress of the Polisario Front formed the three committees (the Basic Law Committee, the National Action Project Committee, and the Letters and Recommendations Committee) yesterday night to start their work on Tuesday morning, after presenting the narrative and financial report.
The three committees will start their work today, and they are expected to conclude their work on the eve of the day, to be submitted to the Congress for approval, according to the Presidency of the Congress.
The conferees discussed at length the content of the narrative and financial reports submitted by the National Secretariat, which includes the outcome of the work between the 15th and 16th Congress, stressing the need to strengthen the military institution, and paying attention to the social aspects of the citizen, such as health, education, and the improve of services.
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