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Gdeim Izik political prisoners begin a hunger strike in Kneitra Prison

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Kneitra (Morocco), Nov 10, 2017 (SPS) - The Saharawi political prisoners of the Gdeim Izik Group, jailed in the Kneitra Central Prison, begin a alarming hunger strike, on the occasion of the seventh anniversary of the savage dismantling of the Gdeim Izik Camp.
The group composed of Mohamed Bachir Boutangiza, Abdallahi Lajfawni, Sidi Abdalla Abbah, Mohamed Bourial, Banga Sheikh, Ahmed Sbaiiand Al-Husein Azzawi , had started multiple strikes and protests since the arbitrary decision to disperse them in different Moroccan prisons which leads to the deterioration of their situation as political prisoners.
In a related issue, the Tifelt 2 Prison, continues to deprive the Saharawi political prisoners and member of the Gdeim Izik Group of their basic rights Brahim Ismaeli.
It is noteworthy that the Saharawi political prisoners of Gdeim Izik, were dispersed by different Moroccan prisons, since last September 16. SPS