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Intransigence, violation by Morocco of international law to plunge region into instability

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Shaheed Al-Hafed, 17 October 2022 (SPS) - Minister of Foreign Affairs and member of the National Secretariat of the Polisario Front, Mohamed Salem Ould Salek, affirmed that intransigence and violation by Morocco of the international law in the complete absence of the international community are likely to plunge the region into instability, tensions.
Speaking in a press conference, held on Sunday at the ministry’s headquarters, on the latest developments of the Sahrawi issue, Ould Salek reaffirmed “the Sahrawi people’s commitment to the recovery of their legitimate rights to self-determination and independence by all means, including the armed struggle”.
In this respect, he denounced the silence of the United Nations in the face of the crimes committed by the Moroccan occupation against the defenseless Sahrawi people, by resorting to modern technologies, underlining that these crimes “are an insult to the whole international community.”
As regards the French and Spanish positions, Ould Salek said that “France and Spain have hindered the organization of a referendum since 1991. Worse still, these two countries even attempted to change the nature of the Sahrawi issue which is a decolonization issue,” he said.