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Morocco has no sovereignty over Western Sahara, says Dr. Al-Hadrami

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Nouakchott (Mauritania), 30 May 2020 (SPS) - Yemenite diplomat and former ambassador to Malaysia, Dr. Hussein Bahamid Al-Hadrami, said "Morocco has no sovereignty over Western Sahara, according to the resolutions of the United Nations and the International Court of Justice in the Hague."
Speaking to the Mauritanian news website "Nouadhibou News," Dr. Hussein Bahamid Al-Hadrami said "as far as Western Sahara is concerned, it is enough to know that the United Nations and the International Court of Justice in the Hague recognize them (Saharawi liberation movement leaders), who are among the founders of the African Union."
"If Western Sahara was a Moroccan territory, Morocco would not have agreed to share it with Mauritania, at the beginning of the occupation, before Mauritanians withdrew from (the territory sharing agreement), and the Morocco regime would not have suggested autonomy (for the territory)," the Yemeni diplomat said.
The former ambassador said "Moroccan regime would not have rejected the referendum (on self-determination) if it was convinced that Western Sahara was a Moroccan territory."
"The occupation (of Western Sahara) continues because of French support, as well as that of Moroccan Jewish diaspora in Israel."
"Where were you when the Saharawi people were fighting alone against the Spaniards before the unfortunate Madrid conference, which was similar to the Balfour Declaration?" the Yemenite diplomat asked, addressing the defenders of occupation and colonialism.
"Spain delivered to you the territory of Western Sahara as a punishment for the Saharawi people, and in exchange for 35% of Western Sahara's mineral revenues, the right to exploit its sea forever and for giving up claim to the territories of Ceuta and Melilla (in the north of Morocco)."
Dr. Bahamid Al-Hadrami recalled that "Mustafa El Sayed El Wali had contacted Allal El-Fassi requesting Morocco’s support to Western Sahara people in their struggle against Spanish occupation," but "El-Fassi refused so as not to be hostile to the Spaniards," he stressed. (SPS)