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Sahrawi Mining Authority welcomes Norwegian decision to exclude two companies working for Morocco

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Chahid El Hafed, June 30, 2016 (SPS) - The Sahrawi Petroleum and Mining Authority welcomed the decision of Norway’s Central Bank to exclude two oil companies working off the coast of Western Sahara for Morocco, because of the “serious violations of the basic ethical standards,” said Wednesday the Authority in a communiqué.
The Sahrawi authority welcomed this moral and courageous position, in order to put an end to the involvement of foreign companies in the plundering of Western Sahara’s natural resources, in accordance with the international law and basic ethical standards of the Norwegian bank.
It also called on all foreign companies and private investors to refrain from investing in the occupied cities of Western Sahara.
For the head of the Sahrawi Petroleum and Mining Authority Ghali Zoubeir, cited by the Sahrawi news agency SPS, “these companies must regularize their situations and address the empowered authorities for the signing of prospecting agreements, which is the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic SADR.” SPS