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President of Republic renews call on EU to abide by international law

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Boujdour (Refugee Camps), 12 June 2023 (SPS) - President of the Republic, Secretary-General of the Polisario Front, Brahim Ghali, on Saturday renewed call on the European Union to abide by international law in Western Sahara, apply the rulings of the European Court of Justice and respect its decision to refrain from signing any agreement with the Kingdom of Morocco that affects the Sahrawi territorial lands, airspace or waters.
Speaking on the occasion of the Commemoration of Martyrs' and Army's National Day, President Ghali recalled that the Sahrawi Republic and the Kingdom of Morocco are "separate and distinct countries, and sovereignty over and disposition of its wealth belongs exclusively to the Sahrawi people, through its sole legitimate representative, the Polisario Front".
Brahim Ghali also called on the African Union "to expedite the application of the provisions of its Constitutive Act with regard to the conflict in Western Sahara, especially respect for the borders inherited upon independence", and thus "the withdrawal of the forces of the Moroccan occupation state from the parts it occupied of the territory of the Sahrawi Republic, a founding member of the continental organization".
The President of the Republic once again condemned "the shameful position of the head of the Spanish government, in support of the Moroccan expansionist thesis", calling on Madrid to assume its "legal, political and moral responsibility towards the Sahrawi people, considering its duty as a colonial and administrative power of Western Sahara is imprescriptible".
On this occasion, President Ghali reiterated his thanks, appreciation and gratitude to all brothers and friends in all continents of the world who support the just Sahrawi cause, such as Algeria, which "draws from the ideals and values of the glorious November First Revolution, in harmony with the Charter of the United Nations and the Constitutive Act of the African Union."
With regard to the return of the Sahrawi people to armed struggle, he stressed that "this right guaranteed by the Charter of the United Nations, in defense of their legitimate rights, was imposed on them by the Moroccan policies of intransigence and obstruction, as well as procrastination, connivance, and even conspiracy by some parties at the level of the United Nations Security Council."
The occasion was an opportunity for the President of the Republic to call on the United Nations to assume its responsibility in accelerating the decolonization of the last colony in Africa, protecting defenseless Sahrawi civilians from the oppression of the Moroccan occupation force, lifting the siege imposed on the occupied parts of Western Sahara, and stopping the systematic Moroccan plundering of its natural resources.