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Moroccan soldier attacks and robs Spanish citizen in Gleimim

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Gleimim (South Morocco), May 26, 2011 (SPS) - The Spanish citizen Ms. Maria Belen Lopez Diaz, and her family were attacked and robbed around, by a Moroccan soldier in Hay Elfila in Gleimim, South Morocco, a Saharawi human rights resource indicated.

Ms. Lopez Diaz, 34-years, has confirmed that she and her family were driving midnight of Friday 20 May 2011, when they were surprised by a man attacking them, adding that this assault due to her position in support to the Saharawi people’s right to self-determination.

Saleh Elhamel, Maria’s husband, tried to stop the man from throwing stones and scaring the children. The man took a knife and attacked 3-year old Mohamed. Saleh tried to intervene and got severely wounded at his hand, and had to be taken urgently to Agadir for medical treatment. Mohamed also got injured while he tried to escape with his mother and sister.

Maria said she informed the police immediately. They accompanied her to the place of the assault, where she found her personal belongings that were stolen from the car including keys, IDs, Bank Card from “Caja Canaria”, the car radio, and money (about 400 euro+ 500 DH ).

The Spanish victim received many calls from international and Spanish Human Rights NGOs and Spanish lawyers who wish to follow the legal proceedings undertaken by the Moroccan authorities against the offender, who’s not been arrested since the complaint was filed with the Moroccan police on 19 May 2011. (SPS)

090/ 090 000 112 456 MAY 11 SPS