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Assa city receives two released Sahrawi political prisoners

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Assa (southern Morocco), May 26, 2011 (SPS) - The inhabitants in the city of Assa has received Saharawi political prisoners Hassan Elhairech and Hamza Chiyahou, released recently by the Moroccan authorities after spending more than 18 months in prison.

The ceremony was attended by hundreds of citizens living in this city, mostly populated by Sahrawi, raising SADR flags to welcome the released prisoners of conscience.

The two Sahrawi human rights activists were sentenced in February 2010, to one year and six months in prison by the Moroccan court, because of their participation in peaceful demonstrations in the town of Assa, denouncing the expulsion by the Moroccan authorities of Aminatou Haidar from El Aaiun (Western Sahara) to the airport of Lanzarote and demanding her return to her homeland.

Moreover, the trial proceeded without an interpreter, said international observers present at this session, including in particular Sweden and Spain, because of the arrest the day before of the Sahrawi activist, Hasana Douihi, who had played this role. (SPS)

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