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Sahrawi human rights activist calls on Italy for respect of human rights in Western Sahara

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Rome, May 26, 2011 (SPS) - Saharawi human rights activist Ahmed Naciri, recently released from the prison of Salé (Morocco), denounced the Moroccan repression against the Saharawi in the occupied territories of Western Sahara, at the end of a meeting with Chairman of the Standing Committee on the Rights of the Italian Chamber of Deputies, Mr. Furio Colombo and co-chair of the Parliamentary Group of Friendship with the Saharawi people, Ms. Carmen Motta.

Accompanied by Luciano Ardesi, president of the Italian Association for Solidarity, Ahmed Naciri denounced "the repressive attitude of Morocco against Sahrawi population in the occupied territories under Moroccan occupation," according to the Polisario Front Representation in Italy.

Italian MPs have noted with interest the appeal by Naciri for respect for human rights in occupied Western Sahara. They pledged to "audition victims of Moroccan repression, and to apply to the Moroccan government that serious violations such as the cases of the seven activists arrested in October 2009 for visiting their relatives in the Saharawi refugee camps, do not recur".

It is worth mentioning that Ahmed Naciri arrived for the first time in Europe, at the invitation of the Italian Association at its annual meeting. (SPS)

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