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President of Republic concludes visit to Federal Republic of Nigeria

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Abuja (Nigeria) May 11, 2011 (SPS) - The President of the Republic and Secretary General of the Polisario Front, Mr. Mohamed Abdelaziz, concluded Monday a two-day visit to the Federal Republic of Nigeria, where he attended inauguration of Goodluck Jonathan as president of Nigeria.

The President of the Republic was farewelled at Abuja airport by the Foreign Affairs Minister of Nigeria, Dr. Aliu Idi Hong.

The President Mohamed Abdelaziz addressed the Nigerian Minister a letter of gratitude for the President of Nigeria, Mr. Goodluck Jonathan, expressing his congratulation on success of the inauguration ceremony and thanks to the warm reception as well as hospitality has shown to the Saharawi delegation.

From his part, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Nigeria expressed appreciation and gratitude, on behalf of the President Goodluck Jonathan, on accepting the invitation to celebrate this historic event with the Nigerian people, considering it a “prove of the strong bonds of friendship between the countries.”

The President of the Republic arrived Saturday to Abuja accompanied by Minister of Defense, Mr. Mohamed Lamin Bouhali, Minister Delegate in charge of Africa, Mr. Mohamed Yeslem Beisat, Ambassador to Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mohamed Ahmed Yahia, Ambassador in Nigeria, Oubi Bachraia, in charge of mission to the Foreign Affairs Ministry, Ms. Sukeina Larabas, Counselor to the Presidency, Abdati Brika, and Secretary General of the Saharawi Woman Union, Ms. Fatma Al-Mehdi. (SPS)

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