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Committees of National Youth Conference on youth policies present their work

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Dakhla (refugee camps) June 10, 2011 (SPS) - The Committees of the National Conference on youth policies presented Friday its work in the wilaya of Dakhla in the presence of more than 500 participants from the refugee camps, occupied territories and communities abroad.

In its presentation, the committee of evaluating the liberation phase called for consolidating youth’s contributions in order to increase the resistance in the occupied territories, and emphasized on the necessity for the young Saharwis to use communication technologies in order to expose Moroccan policies of repression.

From its part, youth and construction committee demanded preparing strict measures on social youth policies and called for strengthening relations between the institutions that have direct relation with youth.

The committee of structure and implementing the policies of youth urged for engaging youth in the construction process and preparing recommendations and programs on youth. It requested setting a special law recommending youth’s obligations, as well as committing to the continental recommendations on youth policies, including the AU recommendation.

The messages and recommendations committee sent messages to the international youth organizations supporting the Saharawi people and Saharawi youth in the occupied territories, refugee camps and National People's Army. In addition to a general recommendation on youth policies and its role in continuing struggle and communication for freedom and independence.

The Conference is one of the decisions of the 2011 government program to set national policy for youth, which the government included in its 2006 program as one of the objectives of action in the social field. It is a pursuant to the directives of the National Secretariat of the Polisario Front, which discussed the youth and sports file in its meeting held on December 19, 2009. It also comes within the obligations of the Saharawi state in the framework of the African Union by recently signing the African Charter on Youth. (SPS)
