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French elected denounce position of France towards Saharawi cause

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Boumerdes (Algeria) July 16, 2011 (SPS) - French elected denounced Thursday the position of France towards the Saharawi cause and the use of its veto at the UN Security Council to obstruct the holding of a referendum on self-determination for the Sahrawi people.

During their participation in the Summer University of Saharawi Cadres taking place in the Algerian city of Boumerdes from July 7 to 21, the French elected criticized the French government, expressing their unwavering support to the just struggle of the Saharawi people for freedom and independence.

"The Sahrawi people have the right to recover its territorial sovereignty and independence. We are working on expanding the movement of solidarity in France and in Europe as a whole," said Josette Blanchet, French municipal councilor, adding “the peaceful struggle of the Sahrawis will undoubtedly lead to the independence of Western Sahara thanks to the support expressed through the world.”

The President of the Arab Committee for Human Rights, Violette Daguerre, called on the Saharawis to publicize their struggle and daily suffering throughout the world, especially in the Arab countries, confirming “the Saharawi cause if not completely forgotten, it is generally unknown, especially in the Middle East.”

She also urged the participants in the Summer University to reinforce the culture of human rights, which feeds the culture of resistance, and to strengthen the immunity of youth so they can build their own future.

Ms. Karima Benabdallah-Numa, French lawyer, deplored the silence of the international community, particularly the USA, Europe and France, on the deterioration of human rights, construction of wall of shame that divides Western Sahara into two parts and escalation of violence against the Sahrawis.

She criticized in this regard the international community, especially France, for its support to the Moroccan project of Autonomy for Western Sahara, considering that the UN “has failed in its duty to support the just causes in the world.”

The second edition of the Summer University of SADR and Polisario Cadres continues its works for the twenty-sixth day in the Algerian city of Boumerdes. (SPS)