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Gathering of solidarity with Saharawi people outside European Parliament on next November

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Boumerdes (Algeria) July 16, 2011 (SPS) - A group of French activists have decided to organized a gathering of solidarity with the Saharawi people outside the European Parliament on November to protest the European position towards the Saharawi cause, as confirmed Wednesday in Boumerdes by Mohamed Benchabane, from the Association of Solidarity with the Saharawi people in Lorraine, France.

In a speech with the Algerian Press Agency (APS) on the sidelines of the Summer University of Saharawi Cadres, said that French activists aims through this gathering to express ¨support for the Saharawi people and its self-determination.¨

The French elected added that this gathering will bring together all French associations and committees that advocate for the Saharawi cause, confirming that the solidarity work has already begun within the European Parliament.

He revealed that the gathering will be attended by three hundred people, urging the European elected to ¨attend and express solidarity with the Saharawi People on this occasion.¨

Ms. Josette Blanchet, Councillor responsible for urban policy, said that she remained, as a French citizen, very attached for the right of peoples to freely decide their political organization and international relations, denouncing his country's position towards the Saharawi cause.

¨It is unacceptable the use of France, through its president, to the veto at the United Nations in handling the cause of Western Sahara,¨ said the French elected, adding ¨we should not dictate policies to the people who must be masters of their decision. The European continent has a role in sharing the goal for a world of peace and world free from colonialism," she concluded. (SPS