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Debate at Alicante University on the evolution of Western Sahara conflict

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Alicante (Spain) July 19, 2011 (SPS) - The Spanish University of Alicante organized Monday a training course designed to promote debate on the evolution of the situation in Western Sahara and the position taken by Spain in order to contribute in finding a solution to the problem which lasted for decades.

Felipe Briones, anti-corruption prosecutor and Secretary General of the International Association of Jurists for Western Sahara, expressed his conviction that the solution lies in intervention by the international community, adding that "leaders of the European Union do not know what is really happening there." This is the only global ghetto which closes access to the political relations, free press and NGOs. We are working to gather  North African countries support".

""If a tormented people given one minute to express their opinion, they will always vote for freedom," Briones said refering to self-determination referendum for the Saharawi people promised for more than 36 years and which the Spanish Popular Party committed to recently.

Jaume Ferrer, professor at the University of Alicante and the Course Director shares Briones his theses. The expert in law and international relations gives his views on the conflict resolution  : "Much depends on the internal politics of Morocco, which always uses Sahara to unite its people," said Ferrer.(SPS)

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