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Saharawi President calls on UN to assume its full responsibility in Saharawi question

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Boumerdes (Algeria), July 19, 2011 (SPS) - The Saharawi President, Mohamed Abdelaziz called Tuesday in Boumerdes on the UN to assume its full responsibility in the Western Sahara issue and the decolonization of the territory.

In a speech at the closing ceremony of the 2nd Summer School of Polisario and SADR cadres, Mr. Abdelaziz called for sanctions against the Moroccan government, which ignores international law, release of political prisoners and shedding light on the fate of more than 651 disappeared Saharawi.

Defending human rights is a duty and a right of everyone, he said "no exception as we see today in the practices of certain powers that ignore the right to self-determination."

Welcoming the French elected officials who attended and were involved during the summer school, he stressed that France's position against the Saharawi question "is in itself a violation of human rights" and "a clear approach to confuse the issue and devote the colonization "stating that" this will only exacerbate the sufferings, tensions and instability "in the region.

On the eve of the beginning of a new round of negotiations between the parties in conflict (Polisario Front and the Kingdom of Morocco) in Manahasset near New York, "the Moroccan government, said the Saharawi President, refused to apply the United Nations Charter and resolutions and remains committed to the theses that are far from the democratic and transparent option "despite the  disposal expressed by the Saharawi party in favor of constructive cooperation in order to create a healthy climate that would find a lasting solution based on respect for the outcome of a free and fair referendum for self-determination for the Saharawi people.

He believed that "the Moroccan people can not share the expansionist and destructive ideas adopted by the Moroccan government in recent decades" before presenting his thanks to the Algerian people and government for their consistent position and policy since the beginning of Western Sahara conflict.

Named after the Shaheed Saeed Mohamed Sid Ahmed Abdelouahab, the closing ceremony of the Summer School was attended by representatives of the diplomatic corps, organizations and political parties in Algeria. (SPS)
