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President Mohamed Abdelaziz warns against "dangerous escalation" of human rights violations in occupied Sahrawi territories

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Bir Lahlou (Liberated Territories) August 2, 2011 (SPS) - The President of the Republic, Secretary General of the Frente Polisario, Mohamed Abdelaziz, warned against the "dangerous escalation" of violations of human rights committed by Morocco and its continued crackdown on peaceful protests in the occupied cities of El Aaiun and Bojador, in a letter Tuesday to the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon.

the Saharawi President indicated that "the Moroccan occupation authorities continue to exercise the same repressive policies in Western Sahara that have accompanied the armed invasion of Saguia El Hamra and Rio de Oro on October 31, 1975, or the military assault against the camp of Gdeym Izik November 8, 2010 and other numerous occasions. "

"One day after the brutal aggression against the citizens of the occupied city of Bojador, the occupation authorities have welcomed Moroccan Ramadan, the month of serenity and peace, with another violent intervention in occupied El Aaiun," says President Abdelaziz, noting that it reflects a "dangerous escalation in the frequency of gross human rights violations committed by the Moroccan State," he adds.

The Sahrawi president held the Moroccan state responsible for the kidnapping of a young Sahrawi and called on the United Nations "to intervene immediately to stop these practices" that are committed in territory under its responsibility.

This new intervention, the Saharawi president noted, reflects a "deliberate intention" by the Moroccan occupying authorities "to demonstrate their intransigence and refusal to implement the UN conventions and resolutions and the requirements of international law and international humanitarian law." Mr. Abdelaziz called on international community for an" urgent intervention "to exert all necessary pressure and sanctions on the Moroccan government as well as the extension of the prerogatives of MINURSO for the protection and monitoring of the human rights situation in Western Sahara.

"The international community can not remain indifferent to such practices and should urgently proceed with the opening of the territory for international independent observers and media, demanding the release of Yahya Mohamed Hafiz and all Saharawi political prisoners, clarify the fate of more than 651 disappeared Sahrawi, destruction of the Moroccan military wall which separates the Sahrawi families and immediate cessation of the plundering of the natural resources of Western Sahara, "he adds.

