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MEPs ask the EU Court to consider whether the fisheries agreement with Morocco respects international law

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Strasbourg (France), Sept 18, 2011 (SPS) - A group of European parliamentarians from different political groups, have signed a petition asking the EU Court of Justice in Luxembourg to rule on whether the EU fishing agreement with Morocco in the territory of Western Sahara respects the EU treaties and international law, Europe Agency Press dispatched Sunday.

At least 77 European parliamentarians and groups are intending to submit a lawsuit to the EU Court against the illegal EU fishing agreement with Morocco next October.

The EU MEP, Raül Romeva, said that the petition is “an initiative of the Cataluña’s Greens, member of the EU, and has enough support to present the lawsuit to the EU Court,” calling for “reviewing the agreement and excluding the Saharawi waters out of any deal with Morocco.”

He added that EU “wants to learn first the regional impact of the agreement currently into action, that is, if it benefits the local population of Western Sahara and if it meets the criteria for sustainable fisheries, before writing another proposal to negotiate the terms of a new agreement.”

"The only responsible way to act for the Commission is reviewing the agreement in order to exclude the waters of Western Sahara, on which the government of Morocco has no responsibility," insisted Romeva. (SPS)
