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President of Republic receives the Saharawi participants in Madeira’s meeting on Hasania culture

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Shaheed Al Hafed (refugee camp) September 18, 2011 (SPS) - The President of the Republic and Secretary General of the Polisario Front , Mr. Mohamed Abdelaziz, received Sunday the Saharawi participants in Madeira’s meeting on the Hasania culture, organized by the UN in the period between September 13 to 16 , 2011 in the presence of Saharawi participants from occupied territory and refugee camps .

During the reception which was attended by members and officials of the Saharawi government, the delegation expressed their deep satisfaction on the good management of the meeting’s activities, praising the spirit of love, brotherhood and communication characterized the event.

The President of the Republic appreciated this participation, considering “it reflects the good behaviour of the Saharawi people that stems from the spirit of the Hasania culture, which is the fundamental and essential component of the Saharawi identity.”

On other hand, he reiterated the will of the Polisario Front, the sole and legitimate representative of the Saharawis, to continue “the constructive cooperation with the UN efforts to reach to a just and lasting solution to the conflict of Western Sahara based on the respect for the will of the Saharawi people to self-determination and independence.”

"Any Moroccan attempt to sow discord and dissension among the Sahrawis, on any basis, is a failed attempt" confirmed the President Mohamed Abdelaziz.

The meeting of Madeira is a communicative meeting between the Sahrawis on both outskirts of the Moroccan military wall (Berm). It comes within the framework of the programme of confidence-building measures sponsored by the UN and accepted by the two parties to the conflict, which includes an exchange of family visits and demining. (SPS)
