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Statement by Polisario Front before Fourth Committee in Charge of Decolonization

Submitted on

New York (UN), October 8, 2011 (SPS) – Following is the full text of the statement made by the Polisario Front Representative in the United Nations, Mr. Boukhari Ahmed, during the session of the UN Fourth Committee, in charge of special political issues and decolonization in New York:


“Madame President, Honourable delegates 


Colonialism has not yet been eliminated from Africa. The proof of this is the case of my country, Western Sahara, the last African colony on the agenda of this Committee.  


In collusion with the former Colonial Power, Spain, the Moroccan army and settlers invaded our country in successive waves. Along the 16 years of combats prior to the ceasefire, in force since 1991, the invading army was engaged in a scorched earth policy and extermination, and with time its settlers became auxiliary forces in the punitive operations of hunting down and capturing the Sahrawis in the occupied zones.   


This is what the world saw in the assault on and dismantling of the huge camp of Sahrawi protest of Gdeim Izik in last November, an immediate precursor to the Arab Spring, which  resulted in deaths, dozens injured and detained among them young women that were raped repeatedly by their guardians and jailers. MINURSO “was not able to monitor the situation in the camp because the Moroccan authorities impeded its access”( Unquote). [para 4 UNSG report S/2011/249]. 


MINURSO operation is the only peacekeeping created since 1978 that has no human rights component. Why this anomaly?  What does Morocco want to hide from the world? 


The question is most relevant because the tragedy is hitting since September 25 the occupied city of Dakhla. Again, as in Gdeim Izik, deaths and injuries and the unleashing  of night operations of  hunting down and capturing Sahrawi ,burning and destruction of their property, sexual abuse. Even so, Morocco has requested the support of Member States to win a seat on the Security Council. The Polisario Front does not want to interfere in decisions of sovereign governments to take on this issue. However, it is worthy to remember that the Polisario Front and Morocco are the two sides in a conflict that is on the Council's agenda. Objectively, you can understand the legitimate concern that arises from the fact that a party to the conflict may sit on the Council and the other remains outside.


Madam Chair.


The Western Sahara remains a shameful case for the universal conscience.


The independence achieved by the peoples of South Sudan, and Timor Deleste, and the strong and tangible support offered to the Arab spring come to confirm that the international community can make possible the triumph of good causes. Moreover, the cause of the Saharawi people is a just one, indeed. The solution to the conflict that confronts Morocco and us is very simple. You have elaborated it the day you gave an explicit mandate of MINURSO to organize on your behalf a referendum on self-determination. Morocco and the Polisario accepted this solution, which was also the only solution endorsed by the Security Council in 1991, 1997 and 2003. Indeed, from 1969 to 1973, Morocco solemnly affirmed before this Committee, before invading our country, that it recognizes and support the independence of Western Sahara.


There is no need for speeches. Allowing the Saharawi people to express at the polls if it wants to be part of the occupying power or be part of the free and sovereign nations is the only viable and effective way to reach a democratic solution that you can proudly assume.


Is that asking too much?. We think not.


The latest round of informal talks was held in July. Morocco’s bad faith and its clinging to subterfuges still prevent any significant progress.  Nonetheless, we have communicated to Ambassador Ross our readiness to resume the negotiations in the date that he determines, and that is in the sincere belief that it is necessary to give the peaceful option all the opportunities.


However, without the resolute support of the United Nations the peaceful option may not last any longer. We have been waiting 35 years for the referendum you promised.


Western Sahara cannot be an exception to the general principal that has guided the colonised peoples toward their freedom and independence. We are certain that you, Members of the United Nations, share this vision and it is for that reason that the Sahrawi people continue to trust you and your sound judgement.


Thank you very much” (SPS)

