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UN Decolonization Committee adopts resolution reaffirming Saharawi people’s right to self-determination

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United Nations (New York), October 11, 2011 (SPS) -the UN Fourth Committee, in charge of special political issues and decolonization adopted Monday in New York, a resolution reaffirming the right of the Saharawi people to self- determination and independence.

The resolution asserted support to the negotiation process initiated by resolution 1754 (2007) and supported by Security Council resolutions 1783 (2007), 1813 (2008), 1871 (2009), 1920 (2010) and 1979 (2011) in order to achieve a just, lasting and mutually acceptable solution to provide the self-determination of the people of Western Sahara ", praising the efforts of the UN Secretary General, Ban Ki-moon, and his Personal Envoy, Christopher Ross.

The resolution evoked the formal and informal meetings held between the Polisario Front and Morocco since 2007, calling on all parties and States of the region to fully cooperate with the UN Secretary General and his Personal Envoy.

The text reaffirmed the “UN responsibility towards the people of Western Sahara", welcoming in this regard, the efforts of the UN Secretary-General and his Personal Envoy to find “a mutually acceptable political solution to the conflict in Western Sahara.”

The resolution, furthermore, welcomed the parties’ commitment to continue showing the political will and work in an atmosphere propitious for dialogue "without preconditions to enter in new phase of more intensive negotiations, taking into consideration the efforts and developments since 2006.

The resolution which comes after a week of debate by the UN Member States and international civil society, will be submitted to the UN General Assembly next session.( SPS)
