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Namibia will remain steadfast to support struggle of the Saharawi people for freedom and self-determination

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United Nations (New York), Oct 12, 2011 (SPS) – “Namibia will remain steadfastness to support the struggle of the Saharawi people for freedom and self-determination,” said the ambassador of Namibia to the United Nations.

In an intervention within the UN Decolonization Committee, the Namibian diplomat expressed concerned on the delay in completing the decolonization process in Western Sahara, recalling “Namibia encourages and calls on both parties to intensify the efforts and accelerate negotiations in order to pave the way for the holding of a free and impartial referendum in Western Sahara, as requested by the UN resolutions.”

He therefore underlined that the Saharawi people deserve respect, freedom and the express of their right to self-determination and independence like peoples of the world, expressing unwavering solidarity with the people of Western Sahara. (SPS)
