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Secretary of State for Youth and Sport partakes on 4th conference of African Ministers of Sport

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Addis Ababa, Oct 22, 2011 (SPS) - The Secretary of State for Youth and Sport, Mr. Mohamed Moulud Mohamed Fadel, has took part on the fourth session of the African Union Conference of Ministers of Sport which held on Oct 20-21, 2011 in the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa, under the theme “consolidation of the African renaissance through the sport”.

The Conference was called for the consideration of the report and recommendations of the experts meeting as well as considered the dates and venue for the 5th Session of AU-CAMS, especially with regard to the establishment of new organ of Sport in the AU Social Affairs Commission called “Sport Council in Africa” as an alternative to the Supreme Council of Sports in Africa.

The opening of the Conference was chaired by Mr. Yusuf Suleiman, minister of Sport in the Federal Republic of Nigeria and Ms. Bience Gawanas, Commissioner for the Department of Social Affairs (AUC).

The AU ministers of sport listened to a report presented by the minister of culture, youth and sport of Mozambique about the 10th All-Africa Games organized on Sept 2011 in Mabutu.

Mr. Mohamed Moulud Mohamed Fadel is accompanied by delegation including Mr. Hamadi Bachir, ambassador of the Saharawi Republic to South Sudan, Baba Mahfoud, second Secretary of the SADR E,bassy in Addis Ababa. (SPS)
