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CODESA denounces the terrorist act against foreign sympathizers

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Al Aaiun (occupied territories), Oct 24, 2011 (SPS) - The Saharawi activist and President of the Collective of Saharawi human rights defenders (CODESA), Aminattou Haidar, has denounced the terrorists act against foreign sympathizers in the Saharawi refugee camps, in a statement reached Monday SPS.

The Saharawi activist considered the abduction of the three European aid workers “a terrorist act infringing the human right to life and to physical integrity,” expressing the strong condemnation of CODESA to such terrorist act as well as absolute solidarity with the three victims, their families, their friends and their organizations.

She also called on the United Nations, international human rights organizations and all justice defenders to condemn this terrorist act and to take immediate action to save the lives of the abducted, as to show support to their families and their organizations. (SPS)
