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Polisario Front considers "positive" concern of Security Council by lack of progress in peace process in Western Sahara

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New York (UN), October 28, 2011 (SPS) - Polisario Front Representative to the United Nqtions, Ahmed Bukhari, declared Wednesday that the Polisario Front considered "positive" that the Security Council members have expressed concern about the lack of progress in the peace process in Western Sahara.


Speaking to reporters after the meeting of the Security Council regarding the report of the UN Secretary-General's Personal Envoy on the current peace process, Bukhari insisted that the Council "put pressure on Morocco to end its blocking of the  efforts of the Personal Envoy for a just and lasting settlement to the conflict in Western Sahara ".


The Saharawi diplomat also praised the concern of the Security Council in relation to the abduction last week of aid workers, Ainhoa ​​Fernandez, Enric Gonyalons of Spain and Rossella Urru of Italy.


Deploring the deteriorating human rights situation in the occupied territories of Western Sahara, Mr. Bukhari insisted on "the establishment of a permanent mechanism within the MINURSO to ensure the protection and surveillance in an objective and credible way ". (SPS)

