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Danish Organisation Afrika Kontakt receives award for its work against EU- Morocco Fisheries Agreement

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Copenhagen, (Denmark) November 3, 2011 (SPS) - The Danish Organisation Afrika Kontakt received this year People’s Movement Award for its work against the EU-Morocco fisheries Agreement that illegally included Western Sahara.


"This year the price goes to an organization that is not afraid to criticize when the EU pillages in Africa," So said Lave Knud Broch from the Danish People’s Movement against the EU in his address at their national Congress, Sunday 30 October in Copenhagen.


Furthermore, he mentioned Africa Contact's struggle to stop the controversial fishing agreement with Morocco, which allows European fishermen to fish along the coast of Morocco’s occupied Western Sahara.


"Morocco and the POLISARIO  independence movement signed a ceasefire. This cease-fire monitored by the UN, which is working to conduct a referendum in Western Sahara's future status - either as an independent state or part of Morocco. And until the situation is clarified, has no right to sell the natural resources of Western Sahara. This means that Morocco does not have the right to sell fishing rights from Western Sahara to Europe. It can be compared with handling stolen goods, "said Lave Knud Broch.


Morten Nielsen from Afrika Kontakt, who received the Price said in his acceptance speech, "We are pleased to collaborate with the People’s Movement. For many Danes it is hard to understand how difficult is really to influence EU processes. You should really make an effort just to be allowed to see a shred of what it does, for example in relation to the fisheries agreement with Morocco.


The Danish People’s Movement Award is given to a person or an organization in the past year or in past decades who has made efforts in the EU-resistance and thus helped to promote the values ​​of: democracy, social justice, and international solidarity. (SPS)

