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Italian NGOs commemorate first anniversary of the dismantlement of Gdeim Izik camp

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Rome, Nov 7, 2011 (SPS) - A group of Italian NGOs, friends of the Saharawi people, have commemorated Monday and Tuesday, in Bologna (Emilia Romagna), the first anniversary of the dismantlement of the Gdeim Izik dignity camp (near El Aaiun) by Moroccan occupation forces, according to the Saharawi representation in Rome, quoted by the APS.

The initiative, which will be held at the Plaza Neptune in Bologna, is organized by Italian NGOs friends of the Saharawi people to call attention of the world to the brutal repression against the peaceful Saharawi demonstrators in Gdeim Izik, said the organizers.

“The event aims to defend the right of peaceful assembly and expression of the Saharawi people, who were drowned by violence on the night of November 8, 2010 in the camp of dignity and freedom in Gdeim Izik,” they added.

“A year later, nothing has changed, and this cause seems forgotten. The actors of solidarity with the Saharawi people and human rights activists want to remember and honor it,” they indicated.

A year later, the Sahrawis remain as the first day, claiming their legitimate rights. Acts of tributes and expression of support and solidarity take place at this time to condemn the serious violations and systematic looting of the Saharawi natural resources by Morocco, as well as the need to push the international community for a just and mutually acceptable solution to the conflict in Western Sahara, they concluded. (SPS)
