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Delegation of WFDY visits the Saharawi refugee camps

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Shaheed Al Hafed (refugee camps), Dec 5, 2011 (SPS) - A delegation of the World Federation of Democratic Youth (WFDY), comprising of 40 young people, arrived Sunday in Saharawi refugee camps as part of a mission organized by the Organization to closely observe the difficult situation of the Saharawi people, as victims of an uncompleted process of decolonization.

In Spain, the mission, which is organized by the Communist Youth Union of Spain (UJCE) in collaboration with the Saharawi Youth Union (UJSARIO), is carrying several hundred kilos of solidarity materials to the refugee camps, according to the Tercera Información.

The visit will last until December 12, where it has planned to organize activities and seminars in the Saharawi refugee camps as well as trips to the liberated territories in order to stand before the Wall of Shame, built by Morocco.

UJCE wants to demonstrate its support to the Saharawi struggle for self-determination as to support the action of the Polisario Front, which has always searched for a peaceful solution to the conflict, indicating the same source.

The World Federation of Democratic Youth (WFDY) is a progressive youth organization, recognized by the United Nations as an international youth non-governmental organization. It was founded in London in 1945 as a broad international youth movement with the aim of uniting youth for peace.

The WFDY headquarters is in Budapest, Hungary. The main event of WFDY is the World Festival of Youth and Students. The 17th Festival was held in South Africa in 2010, hosted by the African National Congress Youth League (ANC YL). (SPS)
