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Saharawi authorities continue efforts to release three European aid workers

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Tifariti (liberated territories), Dec 22, 2011 (SPS) - SADR President and Secretary General of the Polisario Front, Mohamed Abdelaziz, ensured Wednesday the Saharawi security forces arrested criminal group involved with kidnapping of three European aid workers in Saharawi refugee camps, asserting "a great efforts are paid to release the kidnapped".

Speaking to media in Tifariti where he was re-elected as Secretary General of Polisari Front, President Mohamed Abdelaziz cited the arrested criminals "are in the hand of Saharawi security forces ".

He stressed that this "positive" results came "as result of coordination between the Saharawi authorities and states of the region as well as parties concerned to the fate of the three victims."

"We condemned and we renew strong condemnation to this cowardly and criminal act and express our solidarity to families of the victims who were assumed their humanitarian and noble mission in Sharawi refugee camps," President of Republic underlined.

Early, Minister of Defence, Mohamed Lamin Buhali, revealed that the criminal group who has been arrested for being related to the kidnapping “consists of 11 elements, one of them is Saharawi national arrested Saturday in Migec, Saharawi liberated territories.”

He said the mastermind of the operation called "Double Tate (double head)", Malian, has been arrested since about 10 days in a successful operation carried out by Saharawi Special Forces.

“Barons of drugs were divided up into two groups: the first composed of 7 elements and based in northern Mali, but the other group includes 5 elements were constantly moving in the Desert, especially in northern Mali and south of Algeria,” underlined the Saharawi official, adding that the first group was captured in an area 90km south of Dajla camp, while the the kidnapping operation’s mastermind been captured, he was shot on the wheels of his car, however, he replied by shooting on the pursuing force, leaving lethal injury.”

He pointed out that the baron, who wiped out, put on the night of Oct 22, 2011 at the Protocol (Shaheed Al Hafed) two cars equipped by soldiers and weapons to provide the protection for the criminals who abducted two Spaniards and Italian national.

“The kidnappers were six young people from Malian nationality, most of them belong to the Lamhar’s tribe and have links with drugs barons who provided them with information, weapons and various logistical means to carry out the operation, in addition to two armed cars to protect them when they being chased,” said Bouhali. (SPS)