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Polisario 13th Congress concludes and confirms “ignoring right of Saharawi people, will threaten peace and stability in the region”

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Tifariti (liberated territories), Dec 23, 2011 (SPS) - Works of the Polisario 13th Congress concluded Thursday evening in Tifariti, Saharawi Liberated territories, held from 15 to 22 December 2011 bearing name of the martyr Mahfud Ali Beiba, under the slogan “the Saharawi independent state is the solution,” in the presence of tens of foreign delegations.

The Congress adopted a programme of national action with resolutions and recommendations supporting that, elected a new political leadership and sent letters o governments and political forces across the world.

In its final communiqué, the Congress confirmed “the continuation of Moroccan occupation in Western Sahara and ignore the will of the Saharawi people to self-determination and independence contributes to heightening tensions and exacerbate the factors threatening peace, security and stability in the region,” holding Moroccan government “full responsibility in degradation by virtue of this expansionist policies that reject the principle of international law and peaceful coexistence with the rest of the components of the Maghreb.”

The communiqué considered that the establishment of Arab Maghreb based on strong partnership, cooperation and solidarity, and on the basis of mutual respect between its countries, including the SADR is “the ideal framework and the custodial of the aspirations of its peoples to live in security and dignity.”

It called on UN Security Council to make the negotiations between Polisario Front and Morocco “an opportunity to translate its resolutions on the ground and enable the Saharawi people to exercise its firm right of self-determination, freedom and independence.”

The delegates urged the Moroccan people to not comply with an unjust war, which is useless and do not serve the interest of two peoples, calling on the new Spanish government to redress the damage caused on the Saharawi people and to seriously contribute to complete the decolonization of Western Sahara.”

It also strongly condemned the brutal practices committed by Moroccan authorities against the defenceless Saharawi citizens, appealing to the Security Council for extending MINURSO mandate to include the protection and monitoring of human rights in occupied Western Sahara.

It therefore demanded that all countries, companies and foreign interests “to respect the international law and charters and not to be involved directly or indirectly in the looting and theft of wealth of the oppressed Saharawi people,” praising, in this regard, the European Union's refusal to extend the illegal fishing agreements with the occupier, which included the natural resources of Western Sahara.

Delegates praised the principled, historic and courageous position of Algeria’s government and people, which provided and still provides all forms of unconditional support to the Saharawi people in its long suffering, valuing the position of the Spanish civil society in supporting just Saharawi cause, and praised the international solidarity movement with the Saharawi cause.

It should be recalled that the Congressed attended by 2095 Saharawi delegates and more than 300 foreign participants. It also received many letters of solidarity from international organizations, associations, political parties. (SPS)
