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Organization of solidarity sit-in with Saharawi political prisoners of Gdain Izik

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Shahid Elhafed, January 12, 2012(SPS) a solidarity sit-in with the Saharawi political prisoner of Gdaim Izik, who will be brought tomorrow before a Moroccan military court, organized Thursday at all Saharawi refugee camps, national institutions and SADR embassies and the Polisario representations around the world.

The Prime Minister, Abdelkader Taleb Omar, accompanied by members of his government participated with the Saharawi media this event at the headquarters of the Saharawi television

He addressed the audience expressing support and solidarity of all Saharawi people with the Saharawi political prisoners of Gdaim Izik who “without an acceptable reasons facing a military court just because they peacefully asking their People’s right to self-determination”

He renewed the determination of all Saharawi people to achieve their national goals and impose the slogan of the thirteenth congress of the Polisario Front “the Saharawi independent state is the solution”

The prime Minister called on “all human rights organization and supporters of values of humanity to stand with these Saharawi political prisoners, while they are facing injustice of Moroccan military occupation”

It should be recalled that the President of the Republic and Secretary General of the Polisario Front called on Wednesday all the Saharawis everywhere to organize Thursday, sit-ins to denounce Moroccan decision of bringing Saharawi civilians before military court and to support them in their tragedy . (SPS)
