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UK: exhibition on Western Sahara at the University of Warwick

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London, January 27, 2012 (SPS) - An exhibition on Western Sahara has been organized at the University of Warwick, UK, as part of the international exhibition “Week of Africa and the Middle East,” reported Thursday the Polisario Front representation in the UK.

The opening of the exhibition was attended by the Polisario Front’s representative in the United Kingdom, NGO Sandblast, the organization “Saharawi Justice” and students of the University.

The exhibition showed crafts, Sahrawi traditional clothing, books about Western Sahara conflict and the crimes of human rights committed by the Moroccan authorities against the Saharawi people.

“We need your support to break the two walls that seriously threaten the Saharawi people,” said Sidi Breika, deputy representative of the Frente Polisario to the UK, pointing to the Moroccan wall of shame with a length of 2700 km and contain a large amounts of land mines and the wall of silence imposed on the occupied territories.

“It's a shame that there is still colonialism in the 21st century. The Western Sahara is the last colony in Africa and the UN is still responsible for its final decolonization,” said the director of Sandblast, Danielle Smith. (SPS)
