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The problem of Western Sahara “reality cannot be ignored”, says President Marzouki

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Algeria, Feb 13, 2012 (SPS) - “The problem of Western Sahara is a reality that cannot be ignored,” said the Tunisian President, Mr. Moncef Marzouki, describing it as “a thorny and painful in human terms,” in a press conference held Sunday on the occasion of his visit to Algeria.

The President of Tunisia indicated in the same regard that the question of Western Sahara “is listed at the UN level,” adding that the Maghreb countries “are called to work gradually to build new landmarks on the path of building the Arab Maghreb.”

The President of the Republic and Secretary General of the Polisario Front, Mr. Mohamed Abdelaziz, had previously sent a letter to the Tunisian President, calling his attention that the construction of the Arab Maghreb on a solid foundation “is the only way to ensure the conditions of survival for the peoples of the region. A Union based on the respect to the international legitimacy and law as well as values of democracy and justice, which have been achieved by the Tunisian Revolution and still be advocated by the Saharawi people.”

On other hand, the President  Mohamed Abdelaziz recalled, in a letter published Wednesday by the Algerian newspaper of El Khabar, Mr. Moncef Marzouki that the Moroccan attempts to use the noble objectives of the Maghreb Union to legitimize its massacres on the Saharawi people are “unethical and doomed to failure.” (SPS)
