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President of Republic receives congratulatory letter from AU chairman on occasion of 36th anniversary of SADR proclamation

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Addis Ababa, Feb 16, 2012 (SPS) - President of the Republic and Secretary General of the Polisario Front Mr. Mohamed Abdelaziz has received today a congratulatory message from the chairman of African Union Commission, Mr. Jean Ping, on the occasion of 36th anniversary of Saharawi Arabic Democratic Republic (SADR).

Following is the full text of the letter:

“Mr. President
On the occasion of the celebration of the feast of your country , I am pleased to send you on behalf of the African Union Commission and on my own behalf , my sincere congratulations and warm wishes which I enclose the wishes of happiness and health to your Excellency and those of peace, prosperity and progress for the Saharawi people.

“I would like to take this opportunity to reiterate our desire to contribute untiringly to the efforts of the international community in order to achieve a lasting solution to the conflict of Western Sahara.”

“I would also like to ensure my complete willingness to work with you to achieve the objectives of our continental organization. please accept, Mr. the President, the renewed assurances of my highest and fraternal consideration.”
His Excellency Mohamed Abdelaziz
President of the Saharawi Arab Democratic Republic
Bir Lehlu ".(SPS)
