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French solidarity caravan in Saharawi refugee camps 24-27 February

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Algiers, Feb 23, 2012 (SPS)- A French caravan of solidarity with Saharawi people will stay in the Saharawi refugee camps from 24 to 27 February 2012, the National Committee for Solidarity with the Saharawi People (CNAPSPS) said Thursday in a statement.

The delegation whose visit will coincide with the commemoration of the 36th anniversary of SADR proclamation , comprises of 150 people "representing all components civil French society in," the source underlined.

The delegation consists of parliamentarians, mayors, local councilors, politicians friends of SADR in France, trade unionists, women's groups, academics, lawyers and activists, human rights, youth and students as well as personalities from the world culture and the press.

"This visit aims to break the silence that encourages impunity, injustice, and the Moroccan colonialism in Western Sahara," the source asserted.

"It will remind the international community of the French citizens's attachment to the noble values of human rights, equality, justice, brotherhood and the need to the implementation of self-determination of the Saharawi people as fundamental and indispensable parameter for a solution to Western Sahara, Africa last colony". it addeed. (SPS)
