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British Association concludes solidarity visit to the Saharawi refugee camps

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Shaheed Al Hafed (refugee camps), March 10, 2012 (SPS) - A group of British cooperators from the Association “Sandblast” concluded Friday a solidarity visit to the Saharawi refugee camps, after they took part at the international sport demonstration “Sahara Marathon” and made several voluntary and humanitarian acts for the benefits of the Saharawis in the Camps, informed the Polisario Representation in London.

The group, which includes 20 cooperators of various specialists and interests, came to the Saharawi refugee camps to closely see suffering and the daily difficulties suffered by the Saharawi refugees, as well as to find solutions that would facilitate their life, according to the same source.

The British sympathizers with the Saharawi cause organized recreational activities for the disabled in all wilayas, provided humanitarian aids to the victims of war and mines in Martyr Shreif’s Centre and visited institutions, national schools and liberated territories.

The group held meetings with ministers and high-level officials in the Saharawi state. (SPS)
